Siemens Setup & Configuration Guide

Here you will find setup and configuration information for popular Siemens models such as the C475IP A580IP S685IP C460IP A580IP.

Setup for Multi-User Accounts - If You Use Our PBX Service

  1. On the Siemens handset navigate through: Menu, Settings, Telephony, Connection Assist, [enter the default PIN 0000] - Press OK
  2. You will be asked Do you have a code for auto-configuration? - Press No
  3. Select Great Britain - Press OK
  4. Select Voipfone - Press OK
  5. You'll be asked for 'Authent. Name' - please enter your Voipfone account number and the extension you wish to setup - with a star in between. It will look something like 30040041*200. You can login here to check the different extensions. Press OK when done
  6. You'll then be asked for 'Authent. Password' - please enter the password for the extension you are setting up. You can check the password here Press OK again
  7. You'll be asked 'Start assistant for' - please select 'No'
  8. Please go back to the main screen - just press the red hang-up button a few times
  9. Your phone should now be working - try calling 155

Setup for Single User Accounts - If You Don't Use Our PBX Service

  1. On the Siemens handset navigate through: Menu, Settings, Telephony, Connection Assist, [enter the default PIN 0000] - Press OK
  2. You will be asked Do you have a code for auto-configuration? - Press No
  3. Select Great Britain - Press OK
  4. Select Voipfone - Press OK
  5. You'll be asked for 'Authent. Name' - please enter your Voipfone account number - it's 8 digits and starts 30
  6. You'll then be asked for 'Authent. Password' - please enter your Voipfone account password - it's usually 6 digits
  7. You'll be asked 'Start assistant for' - please select 'No'
  8. Please go back to the main screen - just press the red hang-up button a few times
  9. You should find it now works - try calling 155

Changing the Default DTMF Mode

If you're having problems accessing voicemail or IVR menus, you will have to change the default DTMF Mode:

  1. On the Siemens handset press: Menu, 5, 5, 6, [enter the default PIN 0000] - Press OK
  2. Make a note of the IP you see on the screen, disregarding any starting zeros. For example - If you see - note down If you see - note down
  3. Visit the IP address you see in a web browser on your computer, Internet Explorer for example. It should look something like this in your address bar:
  4. You'll be prompted for your System PIN - Enter 0000 and click OK
  5. Navigate through, Settings, Telephony, Advanced Settings
  6. Under 'DTMF over VoIP Connections' ensure ONLY RFC 2833 is ticked - Click Set
  7. You're done - Try calling 1571 and check the pressing of options is working for you

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